Welcome in Sweden !

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We arrived on February, 4th 2011 in Linkoping, Sweden at 16:30. In the evening, I ate with Madeleine and her parents. They were very nice ! There was some fish, vegetables and a very good dessert... On that evening I went to  Solenn Leprince's penfriend's, Agnès with Madeleine .
We saw a French film, "The fabulous fate of Amélie Poulain" on a giant screen and we had a chocolate mousse. It was good !
On the way back to Madeleine's, we ran in the snow to arrive to the car ! It was very funny... During the journey, we listened to music and my penfriend sang. I laughed very much !
When I went to bed, i wanted to be the next day !  The week started good !

Manon T.

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