Stieg Larsson

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 Stieg Larsson was born on the 15 august  1954 at Skelleftehamn beside Vasterbotten. And he died in Stockholm on the 4 november  2004, of a heart attack.He was a Swedish journalist and writer. He was known for his commitment against right-wing extremism and racism. He was famous for his trilogy:      " Millennium " which was published between 2005 and 2008, posthumously.His literary influences are inspired by popular culture.For example, he was a fan of Fifi Brindacier, the famous girl who was created by 952_stieg.jpgAstrid Lindgren in 1945.He was also unbeatable on science fiction.

Despite the absence of the author, the success of the trilogy was there. Sweden first, then it went around the world. In France, the trilogy enjoyed a huge success, thanks to word of mouth. It is composed of three novels; The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire and The Girl who Kicked the Hornets'Nest. An adaptation film was made.There is a whole story about the legacy of Stieg Larsson. Indeed, his companion of 32 years but to whom he was not married, wasn't paid the royalties from the books . They were paid to his father and his brother. However, his wife holds the manuscript of the fourth volume of Millénuim. Stay tuned ...

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                 Par Maïna G. & Cassandra L.


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